
General information

  • The Order can be placed online 24/7.
  • You should necessarily mention your phone number to receive the Order (for Clients with Ukrainian telephone service providers only, as we cannot call back the Clients (Purchaser), who are not at the territory of Ukraine, at the phone numbers of foreign service providers).
  • When placing an Order, you can leave the comment for gatherer, as for each product position, as for the Order in general. You can order the phone call of the gatherer at the time of the basket collecting in comments.
  • The photo of package presented at the web-site: kharkiv.zakaz.ua or at the store window of ХАРКІВ store in mobile app “Zakaz” (hereafter – Website/Platform) can differ from the real package. Please, always turn attention to the real package to get more detailed information. For more information about the product, please, contact the producer or write in comments that you need specification to order.

Terms of acceptance and return of Goods

  • The Client (Purchaser) shall accept the delivered Goods in quantity, assortment, completeness and appearance (package integrity) at the moment of their delivery by courier and in his/her presence. The Purchaser has the right to refuse from acceptance of the Goods, if these Goods do not comply with terms and conditions of the Sales and Purchase Agreement regarding quantity, assortment, completeness and appearance (package integrity) at the moment of their receipt from courier and in his/her presence only.
  • The Purchaser shall accept the delivered Goods from “Super Fresh” group, namely: food, fresh meat, fish, fruits and vegetables, greenery, unvacuumed sausage products and/or specialty foods by their quantity, assortment, appearance and quality at the moment of their delivery by courier and in his/her presence only. The Purchaser has the right to refuse from acceptance of the Goods from “Super Fresh” group if these Goods do not comply with terms and conditions of the Sales and Purchase Agreement regarding quantity, assortment, appearance (package integrity) and quality at the moment of their receipt from courier and in his/her presence only.
  • If the case of the Goods non-acceptance by the Purchaser due to their non-compliance with terms and conditions of the abovementioned Sales and Purchase Agreement, as well as in case of Purchaser’s refusal from acceptance of the Goods by any other reason, the Purchaser undertakes to immediately return these Goods to courier, who performed the delivery and was present at the moment of the Goods check. If the Client has not performed such return, it is deemed that he/she has accepted the Goods delivered by Seller and he/she does not have claims regarding quantity, assortment, completeness and appearance of each of the delivered goods and quality of “Super Fresh” goods group.
  • Purchased food products of appropriate quality are not subject to return after their acceptance by the Purchaser.
  • Purchased food products of appropriate quality are subject to return after their acceptance by Purchaser, as long as they are not included into the “List of Goods of Appropriate Quality Not Subject to Exchange (Return)”, approved by Resolution No. 172 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On the Implementation of Certain Provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Consumer Rights” as of 19 March 1994 in accordance with provisions of Article 9 of the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, as well as provided that such Goods have not been used and their presentation, consumer properties, seals, labels, as well as the payment document issued together with the relevant Goods sold are preserved.
  • The Purchaser has the right to return Goods of inappropriate quality, if the hidden defects have been revealed pursuant to the terms and conditions of current legislation of Ukraine.
  • In accordance with Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, the return of the goods is possible only if the fiscal receipt (payment document) of the Seller and the goods for return are present.

The Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Consumer Rights” as of 12 May 1991

The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On the Implementation of Certain Provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Consumer Rights” No. 172 as of 19 March 1994

Change of the Оrder

Please, inform us of the changes as soon as possible.

Changes to the Orders are accepted:

  • to Order with delivery before 18:00 p.m. - till 09:00 a.m. of the current day;
  • to Order with delivery from 18:00 p.m. to 22:00 p.m. - till 13:00 p.m. of the current day.

Prices on the Goods

  • The Goods are sold for the prices set by the Seller as of the date and time of the Goods release in the relevant Store, in which such Goods are actually sold for each individual Order and from which delivery is made within the relevant Order (depending on the delivery address specified by the Buyer in the Order), subject to the conditions set out in this Section below.
  • The Goods are collected in the Seller's Store, processed through the cash register and released from the Store always on the day of delivery. The actual total amount of the Goods in the Order may differ if the price of the Goods selected by you at the time of their release from the Store has changed compared to the price that was set by the Seller at the time you placed the Order.
  • Only those discounts, promotions, special offers of the Seller that are indicated directly on the Site and are applicable on the condition of ordering Goods through the Platform, valid at the time of release of the Goods from the Seller's Store, are valid on the Platform.
  • The prices on the Goods are indicated on the Platform, taking into account indirect taxes.
  • When you receive your Order, you receive fiscal receipt of the Seller’s Store, confirming the cost of the Goods purchased by you.
  • The price and availability of the Goods in the Store could change, therefore, the actual Order amount could vary, especially if you chose the next day delivery. With change of price for more than 5 hryvnias for one position or change in weight of the Good sold “by weight” for more than +/- 200 g from the weight mentioned in Order, the gatherer will inform you about the case. The total weight of the product can vary, depending on the product itself and special characteristics of its package in the Seller’s Store.
  • You will be notified of the change in actual total cost on the Goods you have chosen by SMS message or phone call.
  • Discount cards of the Seller’s stores network do not work when placing an Order on the Platform.

Delivery Service

General information

Delivery Service comprises delivery to the door within chosen period of time. Delivery to the door is possible provided that there is a serviceable lift in your house. In case of its absence or damage, the delivery of the Goods is carried out to the door (entrance) of correspondent house/residential building or Delivery Service provides that the Client with additional paid service of lifting goods to the floor, on condition that this service is available at the moment of Order placement at the Platform.

  • If you cannot guarantee your presence during the whole period of time chosen for delivery, please, call the Operator of “Zakaz.ua” Contact Centre by phone number: 0800 20 20 20.
  • The delivery schedule can be viewed by clicking on the timer in the upper right corner of the page.

Before we deliver your Order, we need a confirmation of your address and delivery conditions:

  • for Orders with delivery before 6:00 p.m. - till 09:00 a.m. of the current day;
  • for Orders with delivery from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. - till 1:00 p.m. of the current day.

Cost of delivery

  • The cost of delivery depends on address of delivery.
  • The minimum cost of courier delivery in Kharkiv is 89 hryvnias.
  • If the courier arrives at the Client's address twice in the same time window, the Client pays for each delivery (the possibility is agreed individually).
  • You need to make several separate Orders (with different receipts), but you want them to be delivered together? The cost of such delivery, which can include no more than three Orders for one address in the same time window from the same Seller’s Store will be calculated as for one Order, including the total weight for all Orders. If you need to Order delivery, which consists of four or more Orders, the cost of delivery will increase by 10 hryvnias for each Order and the recalculation of the weight value will be carried out in accordance with the tariffs indicated above.

Delivery of heavy Goods

When placing an order with a total weight of 41 kg or more, an additional fee will be charged in the amount specified in the table.

Order weight from … kg Weight surcharge, uah
41 25
51 50
61 75
71 100
81 125
91 150
101 175
111 200
121 225
131 250
141 275
151 300
161 325
171 350
181 375
291 400
201 425
211 450
221 475
231 500
241 525
251 550
261 575
271 600
281 625
291 650
301 675
311 700
321 725
331 750
341 775
351 800
361 825
371 850
381 875
391 900
401 925
411 950
421 975
431 1000
441 1025
451 1050
461 1075
471 1100
481 1125
491 1150
501 1175
511 1200
521 1225
531 1250
541 1275
551 1300
561 1325
571 1350
581 1375
591 1400
601 1425
611 1450
621 1475
631 1500
641 1525
651 1550
661 1575
671 1600
681 1625
691 1650
701 1675
711 1700
721 1725
731 1750
741 1775
751 1800
761 1825
771 1850
781 1875
791 1900
801 1925
811 1950
821 1975
831 2000
841 2025
851 2050
861 2075
871 2100
881 2125
891 2150
901 2175
911 2200
921 2225
931 2250
941 2275
951 2300
961 2325
971 2350
981 2375
991 2400
1001 2425
1011 2450
1021 2475
1031 2500
1041 2525
1051 2550
1061 2575
1071 2600
1081 2625
1091 2650
1101 2675
1111 2700
1121 2725
1131 2750
1141 2775
1151 2800
1161 2825
1171 2850
1181 2875
1191 2900
1201 2925
1211 2950

Bulky items

Example: basket of 50 l, bath cornices, sledge and other Goods assigned to the category of volumetric units by the decision of the Delivery Service – are delivered on individual terms.

Service fee

Delivery Service (Zakaz.ua) may set tariffs, including tariff “Service Fee”, which is used to calculate the fee for provision of Delivery Service according to the Public Offer of the Delivery Service posted on the Website.

Tariff “Service Fee” is calculated as a percentage of the value of the basket (the value of the basket is understood as the actual value of the Goods ordered by the Client (Purchaser) through the Website, which is specified in the relevant fiscal receipt of the Seller). The amount of service fee and procedure of its calculation are mentioned when Client makes Order at the Website.

The previous amount of the Service Fee is calculated when the Customer places an Order on the Website and is adjusted taking into account the actual value of the Goods indicated in the relevant fiscal receipt of the Seller.

In case of total or partial refusal of the Client to accept the ordered Goods and in case of total or partial return of the ordered Goods by the Client, the service fee should not be returned to the Client, unless otherwise expressly provided by Public Offer of the Delivery Service posted on the Website.

Reward for collecting

Reward for collecting is an additional part of payment for delivery services rendered by the Delivery Service (Zakaz.ua), according to Public Offer of the Delivery Service posted on the Website. This additional part of payment for delivery services rendered by the Delivery Service is paid at the will of the Client in any amount specified by the Client at his/her discretion in the appropriate field for entering the amount of such payment on the Website. The money paid by the Client as a reward for collecting is the income of the Delivery Service (Zakaz.ua).

Order cancellation

  • The Delivery Service reserves the right to cancel the Order in case of impossibility of its delivery (floods, earthquakes, cataclysms, difficult traffic situation in the city, or if the address of the delivery point is in the area, which is impossible to approach by car within a radius of 50 meters, etc.). If the Order is cancelled, the Client can repeat the Order on the Website on his/her own.
  • We reserve the right to inform Clients of the cancellation of Orders by SMS messages (maximum 2 hours before the end of the selected period of delivery).
  • If we are unable to contact you, the Delivery Service reserves the right to move your Order to the next time window or to cancel it.
  • You can cancel the Order or move it to another delivery time window by calling the Contact Centre “Zakaz.ua” by phone number: 0800 20 20 20.

With regard to the above, the changes to Order are accepted:

for Orders with delivery before 6:00 p.m. - till 09:00 a.m. of the current day;

for Orders with delivery from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. - till 1:00 p.m. of the current day.

Closure of delivery time windows

Sometimes the delivery at chosen time window is unavailable. In such case you will see the word “Unavailable” at the main page for this time window. We apologize if you intended to place an Order, but the delivery was closed at the time you needed. At this stage this is the only opportunity for us to provide the decent service level for already placed Orders in case of peak demand.

Delivery by Nova Poshta

General information

Residents of the cities, where courier delivery is not available, as well as all other Platform Clients, can use the convenient method of receiving the Order at the nearest branch of Nova Poshta LLC (by choosing the delivery method “Delivery by Nova poshta to the branch“) or at the address (by choosing the delivery method “Delivery by Nova poshta to the address“) provided that these types of delivery are available at the time of placing the Order on the Platform.

Only certain products presented on the Website can be delivered by Nova Poshta, which include goods of non-product group and products with expiry date of more than 30 days, which do not require a special temperature regimen. The general list of Goods, the delivery of which is possible by Nova Poshta, is determined by the Delivery Service.

Upon delivery, the Nova poshta company applies the delivery conditions and rules, posted on the website https://novaposhta.ua/

Term of Order delivery: 1-3 days.

Order delivery is performed to the branch of Nova Poshta or to the address by the courier. Delivery with usage of automated parcel terminal is not available.

The cost of delivery by Nova Poshta

The approximate cost of delivery starts at 88 hryvnias and varies depending on the weight and dimensions of the ordered Goods, which will be sent by Nova Poshta. The exact cost of collection and delivery will be mentioned at the time of Order placement at the Website. The cost of Nova Poshta Company services is added to total cost of services rendered by Delivery Service.

When placing the Order on the Website, upon delivery to the address, you can order the additional service "Elevation to the floor". Orders which weight does not exceed 30 kg are lifted to the floor without additional charges (the cost of the service is included in the basic service), for Orders over 30 kg - an additional fee is charged for rising to the floor according to Nova poshta rates.

You should pay for the Order by bank card using the link on the Website (online) within two hours from the moment of receiving the corresponding message from the Delivery Service indicating the total amount for the Goods and the delivery services of the Order.

Order receipt

You will be duly notified of the Order delivery to the branch of Nova Poshta (date of the Order delivery to the address) by SMS message.

When delivering to the address, the Courier calls 30-60 minutes before arrival at the address specified in the express waybill. Delivery to the address is carried out until 21:00 on weekdays and on weekends according to a special schedule. The address delivery schedule is available on the Nova poshta website.

When delivering to the Nova poshta branch, the sent Order will be stored at the branch of Nova Poshta for 5 calendar days.

To receive the Order at the Nova poshta branch, it is enough to have with you the number of the express waybill, the passport of the citizen of Ukraine/foreigner's passport or a phone with the number specified in the express waybill.

1) If the Order is not received by the Client at Nova Poshta branch within the specified storage period, the order will be considered as unexecuted. In such case, the cost of the ordered goods and paid delivery services are not returned. If the Client cannot receive the Order in time by personal reasons, he/she can turn to “Zakaz.ua” Contact Centre to agree on conditions for extending the storage period at the branch of Nova Poshta.

2) If the Client refuses to accept the Order due to damage of the Goods or the incompliance of the received products to ordered ones, the Order is considered as unexecuted. In this case, the cost of the ordered Goods will be returned. The Order cannot be accepted partially.

3) If the hidden defects of the ordered Goods are revealed after their receiving, the Client can turn to “Zakaz.ua” Contact Centre to resolve outstanding issues.

4) If the Client cannot receive the Order personally, he/she can change the personal data of the recipient.

5) If the Client cannot receive the Order in the branch of Nova Poshta, mentioned in the Order form, he/she can order a redirection of the order by paying the cost of all delivery services related to the redirection of the order.

The Client (Purchaser) shall accept the Order delivered by Nova Poshta in terms of the quantity, assortment, completeness and appearance (package integrity) of the ordered Goods at the time of receipt of the corresponding shipment at the Nova Poshta branch in the presence of a representative of Nova Poshta LLC. Claims of the Client regarding the quantity, assortment, completeness and appearance (integrity of packaging) of the Goods in the Order after receipt of the Order (shipment) at the New Post office are not accepted.

The terms of the Section “The Terms of acceptance and return of Goods” apply to the acceptance and return of Goods, the delivery of which was carried out via Nova Poshta, unless otherwise is expressly provided by this section.

The goods that cannot be exchanged or returned

According to Article 9 of the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Consumer Rights" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the List of goods of good quality that are not subject to exchange (return) by the Resolution "On the implementation of certain provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Consumer Rights" No. 172 dated March 19, 1994.


  • Clients can perform payment for the Seller's Goods and the services rendered by the Delivery Service by methods available on the Website at the time of payment for the corresponding Order.
  • The Client receives a payment link in SMS/push messages and by email.
  • In case of choosing the payment method “Card online after assembly” the Client shall pay for the Order before the start of the selected delivery window/slot (time interval), and in case of choosing a delivery time with a time interval of 07:00-08:00 a.m., the Order shall be paid before 10:00 p.m. of the day preceding the day of delivery. If payment is not received within the specified time for payment, the Order may be transferred by the Delivery Service to the next delivery slot.

The procedure of payment using bank cards and online payment systems


  • We take the responsibility to provide you with the freshest and highest quality products available. Your personal gatherer is interested in carrying out your instructions as accurately as possible.
  • Your Order will be packed in the Seller’s packages, which are paid for separately.
  • Household chemicals are packed separately.
  • Depending on the volume of the Order and the categories of the selected Goods, your Order will be packed in one or more packages (their cost is added to your Order).
  • During the transportation, frozen and cooled products are placed in thermal boxes, which maintain the temperature required for the products.